Miglena Baldjieva is a member of the Control Board of the CHILD SUPPORT ASSOCIATION.
She is a lawyer with more than 15 years of experience in the field of child and family law. She has worked in the State Agency of Child’s Protection (Sofia, Bulgaria) and in two multinational NGO’s – Save the Children UK and Care International.
Miglena Baldjieva is one of the founders of “Roadshow initiative for judges and social workers” together with guardian Gill Timmis and Judge Nick Crichton from the Family Court (London). In 2009 due to this in the Child Protection Act are initiated criteria for estimations for the best child’s interest.
She took part in different workgroups for changes the legislation in force related with the children. She participated in the 28th session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva for the report of the Bulgaria’s progress concerning the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Since 2007 she works for International Social Service Bulgaria Foundation (ISS – Bulgaria).
Miglena Baldjieva elaborate series of information materials for children which are involved in proceedings in the area of civil justice: “My information book” (2008), “My book for the foster care” (2012), “My book for the divorce and separation” (2014), “My book for the domestic violence” (2015) and “My book for child’s placement outside the family” (2015).
She publishes scientific works in Bulgarian and foreign science journals and editions such as “Scientific Works” of the Institute for Legal Studies (part of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), collections of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Intersentia (Antwerp – Oxford – New York) etc.