Judith L. Kreeger is a member of the Management Board of the CHILD SUPPORT ASSOCIATION.
Judge Judith L. Kreeger, who now serves as a Senior Circuit Judge, served as a Circuit Judge in the 11th Judicial Circuit (Miami-Dade County, Florida) for 17-1/2 years, during most of which time she served in the Family Division. She is one of four judges who represent the United States as a member of the International Hague Network of Judges. She participated in international workshops organized by the Hague Permanent Bureau to develop guidelines for judicial communication which were recently approved by the Special Commission.
As a network judge, she has organized and presented continuing legal and judicial education courses concerning aspects of the 1980 Hague Convention on child abduction, including participating in trainings organized by the Permanent Bureau at the Hague for foreign judges.
She participated as a member of the U.S. delegation in the Third Malta Conference on International Family Law and at the 6th Special Commission meeting.
In her home state, she served on the Florida Supreme Court’s Steering Committee on Children and Families in the Courts, and chaired its Pro Se and Case Management Subcommittees.
She has organized and taught numerous portions of continuing judicial education and continuing legal education programs, primarily about aspects of family law, family court process, and the Hague private law Family Law Conventions in Florida, at the National Judicial College and other national programs, and in international conferences.
She has authored articles about various aspects of family law and family court process that were published in The Florida Bar Journal, the Family Law Commentator, the Family Law Review (published by the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts), and the Journal of Family Psychology.
She is also a Florida certified family law mediator.
Judge Kreeger has received a number of awards during her judicial career, including the Community Service Award from Greater Miami Jewish Federation, the Jurist of the Year award from the Florida Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and a certificate of appreciation from her colleagues and the staff of the Family Division of the Circuit Court.
Judge Kreeger graduated from the University of Miami School of Law and obtained her undergraduate degree from Randolph Macon Women’s College in Lynchburg, Virginia.